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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0292c96.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-28  |  116KB  |  164x768  |  8-bit (222 colors)
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OCR: HOW THE CATEGORIE: FARED IN '91 Forinvostors rean ing vear to lfve dangerously The riski ciostfund typos trom small-companyi sqaltios to high-yield bonds enally beat the SAP anr bond fund averages. Small-company growth 1.2 Maximum caoital gains 42.5% Growth 38.1 Soctors 35.8 High-yiold corporates 35.1% Average ecjuity fund 31.4% Poors 500 30 Growth andincome 29.3% Eguity income 27.19 Balanced 26.5% Convertiblos 26.4% Flexible inconie Option income 32 Asset allocatios 21.6% Glabal 20.0% Avaragataxable bond fund 18.9% High-grade corporatee Governmont 15.0% Mortgage -backad securities Short-term taxablos 13.4% World income 11.7% International Money marke fund: Gold and metala 2.9 CATEGORIES FAREL scome harable market